Pros & Cons of Using Blackboard Collaborate for Blended Learning on Students Learning Outcomes
Blackboard Collaborate was introduced to King Khalid University recently in the last decade, instructors and students were trained to use it in an effective way. The objective of this study is to find pros & cons of using Blackboard Collaborate for Blended Learning and its effect on students learning outcomes. The researcher used the experimental and descriptive methods to conduct this study; the population of this study was twenty two female-students studying at College of Science & Arts/Muhayil, English Department in the 5th level who were studying Speech Workshop Course in the 1st semester 2016-2017. Two instruments were used to collect the data of this study: 1) Paper test and electronic test. 2) Students’ questionnaire. The findings of this study are: 1) Students’ results in the electronic test are much better than the paper test. 2) In spite of students’ preference to traditional classroom lectures, the students agreed that using blackboard for blended learning helped them: a) Get lesson-materials or to watch recorded lectures in case they are absent. b) Learn from their classmates’ mistakes in discussion blogs. c) Learn according to their learning styles. D) Feel dependent and secure to have regular contact with their instructor and get quick feedback for their questions and confidential tests grade results. The findings above helped to reinforce students’ motivation towards learning and affect their learning outcomes positively, however, bad access of net affects using Blackboard Collaborate in blended learning negatively.