Supreme Theory of Everything: Deep Mysteries of Thermodynamics

  •  Ulaanbaatar Tardad    


Everything has emerged from energy and energy is essentially information. It is the problem of sole thermodynamics. (Nonequilibrium) thermodynamics is called a metatheory, a theory of theories. But thermodynamics has to be connected with hysteresis to be more complete, divine, and alive. Because hysteresis has a lot of stunning properties such as memory, cyclicity, singularity, saturation, and so on, thermodynamics can thus be linked through hysteresis to everything: entropy, negentropy, information, spacetime, the arrow of time, and superconductivity. Both thermodynamics and hysteresis are universal. Thermodynamics contains entire information about everything, while hysteresis describes its structure. When the two are combined, a complete theory will be created. The results of my 5-years studies show that among many counter-intuitive ideas and basic partial theories, the law of hysteresis can explain the full physical world. In this paper, to clarify the big picture of everything many separate subjects of thermodynamics are attempted to be summarized based on hysteretic trigonometry.

Humanity waits for a united theory of physics. Science has two ways to reach this final result: first, infinitesimally detailed scientific research, and second, the study of general trends. The painful lesson of our centuries of research reveals that when one tries to the more detailed the research result, the deeper we go into the endless confusion of information. Instead, the scientific study of the macroscopic and general levels is radically different, like a view from a high mountaintop: no doubt, crystal-clear, easy to understand, ordered, and including the gateway to detailed research. Additionally, the theory of everything is not as complex as theorists think, but very simple, beautiful, and perfect.

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.
  • ISSN(Print): 1916-9639
  • ISSN(Online): 1916-9647
  • Started: 2009
  • Frequency: semiannual

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Google-based Impact Factor (2017): 3.90
h-index (November 2017): 17
i10-index (November 2017): 33
h5-index (November 2017): 12
h5-median (November 2017): 19

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