What is the Affect by Leader Emotion in an Organization? Exploring the Effects of Leader Emotion on Leader Role and Employee Impression

  •  Mei-Mei Lin    


Because communication media is existence that leads to public figures change public affairs get easier via their speech statement or article. Above lures makes this work considers character of the leader would significant influence to whole enterprise operation. Therefore this work supposes leader emotion maybe positive emotion or negative emotion would affect the relationship between leader role and employee impression. According to the result of statistical analysis reveals emotion that involve with positive emotion and negative emotion of leader is moderator to influence the relationship between leader role and employee impression. If a company would like to create a designate employee impression style could be focus on leader character also employee impression built upon the leader emotion. Thus this work explains rank- and-file employees impression created will be different in positive leader emotion or negative leader emotion. Emotion of leader would deep and far affect a company through employees indirectly.

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