The Effect of WhatsApp Chat Group in Enhancing EFL Learners’ Verbal Interaction outside Classroom Contexts

  •  Amir Minalla    


This study was mainly conducted to examine the possibility of utilizing ‘WhatsApp Group’ in enhancing EFL learners’ verbal interaction. To do this experimental and descriptive methods were used to achieve the objective of this study. A questionnaire and pre- and post- test were adopted as tools for data collection. Samples of two groups (experimental & control) were randomly selected. The results were analyzed with SPSS. Both groups were taught the same content using the traditional way integrated with WhatsApp Chat groups via text message as communicative platforms for practicing outside classroom contexts for what have been taught in the traditional class. However, the participants of experimental group were restrictively interacted via voice messages while the participants of control group were only interacted via text messages. The analysis of the data revealed that the participants who underwent the voice messages on WhattsApp treatment significantly outperformed those who underwent in text messages on WhatsApp. Hence, utilizing voice messages on WhatsApp chat group can be recommended as an efficient technique in enhancing EFL learners’ verbal interactions outside classroom contexts. Because EFL traditional classroom is no longer more appropriate in offering sufficient opportunities for EFL learners’ verbal interaction.

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