Nutritive Values of the Leaves of Crescentia Cujete (Ugbuba)

  •  Umudi E. Queen    


Mineral and proximate analysis of Crescentia Cujete (Ugbugba) leaves were examined using the methods recommended by Association of Official Analytical Chemist (AOAC). The leaves contained 51.00+1.05% moisture, 2.30+0.2% ash, crude protein 51.00+0.43%, crude lipid 1.90+0.08%, crude fibre 4.00+0.12%, carbohydrates 40.40+0.02%. The minerals ranges from mg/g dry weight K(30.02 + 0.03), Na (12.10+0.32), Ca (60.00+0.01). Mg (361.42+0.01), P(14.19 +0.42), Mn (6.32 + 1.01), Fe (2.43+0.01), Cu (13.04+0.10), Zn (1.20+0.43), Na/K (0.40) and Ca/P (2.14), K, Mg, Ca and Fe were found in significant concentrations. The findings showed that Crescentia Cujete leaves are source of nutrients for edible purpose, a good Na/K ratio for lowering blood pressure.

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.
  • ISSN(Print): 1916-9698
  • ISSN(Online): 1916-9701
  • Started: 2009
  • Frequency: semiannual

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