Factors Driving the Adoption of E-banking Services Based on the UTAUT Model

  •  Gladys Chikondi Daka    
  •  Jackson Phiri    


E-banking has become one of the most popular methods that has experienced considerably great attention in the financial services studies in the last few years. E-banking enables customers of the bank to conduct a range of financial services via the internet portal. It provides a solution in driving formal banking services uptake in the most cost-effective way, it has great benefits to both the customers as well as the banks i.e. convenience, cost reduction, ease and is an effective marketing tool. This research was conducted to determine the underlying factors that drive the adoption of e-banking services based on the UTAUT model and to recommend solutions that will address the identified underlying factors. A baseline study involving 313 respondents was undertaken with the sample consisting of Clients from the top five (5) banks in Zambia with the best digital capabilities. Questionnaires were administered to these Clients through purposive sampling to get information on their views on Internet banking services. Data was analysed using SPSS descriptive analysis. The results of the study revealed that the UTAUT factors; performance expectancy (PE), effort expectancy (EE), facilitating conditions (FC) and behaviour intention (BI) have a significant impact in the adoption of e-banking services. Social influence (SI) was non-significant to the user’s intention to adopt e banking services.

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