Kuwaitis’ Attitudes towards Vehicles’ Stickers in Kuwait: A Sociolinguistic Investigation

  •  Abdulmohsen Dashti    


Language attitudes cover a wide variety of emphases, and the reasons for studying language attitudes attract sociolinguists. Language attitudes may well tackle issues extend to all sociolinguistic and social psychological phenomena, such as how we locate ourselves socially and how we relate to other individuals and groups. They may also shape our behaviors and experiences. This study investigates Kuwaitis’ Attitudes towards vehicles’ stickers in Kuwait. Data were collected from responses to 17 items - questionnaire and 1 open-ended question aimed at investigating Kuwaitis’ attitudes towards the content (political, religious, aesthetic, etc. and the shape (size, color, etc.) of vehicles’ stickers. Findings were analyzed statistically. Means, Standard deviations, T-tests, and ANOVA were utilized. Results show that Kuwaitis, in general expressed negative attitudes towards both the content and the shape of the stickers. The open-ended question data provided inclusive data as to the reasons behind such a negative attitude.

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