Neuropsychological Treatment of Attention Deficit Disorder in Infancy

  •  Yulia Solovieva    
  •  Luis Quintanar    


The syndrome of attention deficit disorder is one of the most frequent pictures of disabilities in pre-scholars. The present study analyses the results of fulfillment of tasks for mechanisms of control and spatial functions. 14 pre-scholars with attention deficit disorder took part in the study. The neuropsychological evaluation was applied before and after application the correction program. The most significant differences were obtained for the functions of voluntary regulation and spatial functions. The program of neuropsychological correction was elaborated and applied 64 sessions. The main goals of the program were to form the action of material external control by introducing activity of role games. The program included orientation in games, perception, spatial relations and solving problems at the level of concrete actions and concrete images and drawing. The results of final neuropsychological evaluation pointed out significant differences between initial and final evaluation for functions of regulation and spatial functions. The comparison of initial and final assessment shows the disappearance of difficulties in some tasks. The discussion establishes positive effects of neuropsychological correction without medication. The results permit to complete the comprehension of the syndrome and propose the original treatment according to the concept of central mechanisms considered in neuropsychology.

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