The Efficacy of a PD Program on Enhancing On-The-Job Teaching Skills

  •  Gihan Sidky    


This study assessed the methods of teaching English course taught at the general diploma at the college of Graduate Studies in Education, Cairo University in light of English teachers’ needs and expectations. The Methodology course was reconstructed using the premises of students centered teaching techniques and taking into consideration what is identified by teachers as their basic needs to improve teachers’ linguistic skills and to allow teachers to get acquainted with recent teaching techniques that focus on enhancing the qualifications of the graduate students. The participants in the study were 50 English teachers who graduated from faculties of tongues and arts, English major. They were studying to get a general diploma in education. Some of them had different years of English teaching experience and others never taught in their life. Three instruments were implemented to elicit teachers’ needs from the methods of teaching English course: a pilot study to elicit teachers’ needs and expectations of the methodology course and a directed questionnaire that resulted in a number of suggested topics to be included in the methodology course. A pre and a posttest were administered before and after the implementation of the program to record changes in teachers’ knowledge and skills due to the application of the revised course. Teachers’ responses showed that the participants were dissatisfied with the topics and applications offered by the methods of teaching English course in its first form and suggested a number of topics and applications to be added to satisfy their future needs and expectations. The program was revised and reconstructed in light of teachers’ needs and it was taught for two semesters during the academic year 2014/ 2015. The results showed a noticeable improvement in teachers’ knowledge and skills, which were manifested in teachers’ responses to the posttest.

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