Model of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Acceptance and Use for Teaching Staff in Sub-Saharan Africa Public Higher Education Institutions

  •  Boukary Ouedraogo    


This article uses data survey on 82 teachers from the University of Ouagadougou and the model of unified theory of acceptance and use of technology (UTAUT) to assess the determinants of acceptance and educational use of ICT by teachers. The paper’s outcomes show that the construct “performance expectancy” of ICT (expected utility and expected results) positively affects the teachers’ acceptance of ICT. Acceptance of ICT and the Internet experience positively affect the educational use of ICT. However, facilitating conditions have a negative effect on these purposes. The Internet experience of teachers has a positive and significant direct effect on their specific use of ICT. These results could help public powers’ decision makers to develop effective policies for introducing ICTs in Higher Education Institutions.

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