Toward a Problematics of Postcolonialism: The Gay/Minor Science in Bhabha and Deleuze

  •  Che-ming Yang    


This paper aims to survey from a postcolonial perspective the construction of subject(ivity) in literary narratives through an analogical study of some related theories of Homi Bhabha and Deleuze, regardless of some of their foundational differences in deconstructing the discursive hierarchies. On the one hand, echoing Said, who is considered a foundational text in postcolonial theory, both Bhabha and Deleuze try to deconstruct the common assumptions of cultural/discursive (e.g. race, gender, class) hierarchies, although it is clear that both of them may reject this label (postcolonialism). On the other hand, departing from Said and many other key postcolonial theorists, Bhabha and Deleuze explore the constructive aspects of minor/minoritarian literature that may serve as a counter-discourse (resistance literature) against the majoritarian/colonial discourse.

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  • ISSN(Print): 1925-4768
  • ISSN(Online): 1925-4776
  • Started: 2011
  • Frequency: quarterly

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