A Brief Research Note: Some Issues on Japanese-Filipino Children

  •  Shiro Ito    


This qualitative case study aims to explore reasons that led to the absence of the Japanese father from the family, how it affects the present situation of Japanese-Filipino children (JFC), and to conceptualize socioemotional factors that influence JFC’s life. The study covers current situations and socioemotional and socioeconomic problems of JFC and used standard qualitative techniques to gather field data.
This study has identified that JFC are shaped by sociocultural and socioeconomic differences between Japan and the Philippines that play in individuals’ lives and decisions. The union of two people from different cultures and nationalities coupled with socioeconomic struggles and each individual’s underlying reasons to unite (marriage/cohabitation) may also lead to their separation. Furthermore, the study identified several unique socioemotional factors of the JFC as well: perceived unique ethnicity, the retention of a degree of love to the father who abandons them, and the need to see their fathers instead of feeling hatred and anger. Despite their abandonment, the JFC feel proud of their Japanese culture. Finally, JFC feel they belong to two culture groups; they consider knowing and belonging to both cultures to be their destiny.

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