The Effect of Agricultural Polices on Promoting Palestinian Farmer Resilience

  •  Shaima Jamal Zaid    
  •  Ismail Iriqat    


The purpose of the study is to investigate the effect of agricultural policies on promoting the resilience of Palestinian farmers, as the study followed the quantitative and qualitative approach that relies on studying the phenomenon as it exists in reality and is concerned with describing it as an accurate and quantitative and qualitative expression. To achieve the objectives of the study, an interview was designed and directed to a sample Made up of five experts specialized in agricultural affairs. A questionnaire was also designed and directed to a sample of (150) farmers. The results of the study revealed that the impact of agricultural policies contributes to strengthening the steadfastness of Palestinian farmers, with an average of (3.4), with a medium degree. Sufficiency for Palestinian farmers. In light of the results, the study recommended the need for the Palestinian government to increase the share of agriculture in the general budget, since the agricultural sector is in a dangerous condition and must be taken care of, and the need to encourage farms and notify them of safety by protecting the market, by preventing the entry of non-local products, especially those of the Israeli occupation (being competition For local products, by lowering their prices) to ensure that the farmer sells his crops.

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