Effect of Brass Blanks’ Pre-Heating on Magnetic Pulse-Pressing

  •  Vladimir Kukhar    
  •  Alyona Kireyeva    


Modern machinery has high requirements to the technological processes of processing of metals by pressure. Technology should ensure the production of quality products with high performance characteristics, to be economical, intensive. The intensification and increased production efficiency is a necessary condition of scientific and technical progress.

The problem of increasing productivity and saving material, human, intellectual and other resources not only in production but also on the stage of technological preparation is important.

This problem can be solved through the development of effective resource-saving technologies, where the term "resource-saving technologies" means the collection of laws, ways and means, determining quantitatively reasonable selection and construction processes and operations for producing parts at the lowest cost labor. Development of scientific ways and means of creation of resource-saving technology includes a wide range of theoretical, experimental, technological and computer-programming tasks.

Also, the main task of development of mechanical engineering is output it to a completely new resource-saving technologies, providing increased productivity, savings in material and energy resources and the environment. Largely the solution of these problems is aided by the introduction in the industry of advanced technology magnetic pulse-pressing (Kukhar & Kireyeva, 2011, pp. 41 - 50, Kukhar & Kireyeva, 2011, pp. 51 – 55), which is simple and low cost tooling, compact equipment, high quality products and environmental safety.

Magnetic pulse-pressing (Psyk et al., 2011, pp. 243-250, Psyk et al., 2008, pp. 181-190) is characterized by the fact that the pressure on the deformable metal of the workpiece is created directly by pulsed magnetic field without the participation of the intermediate solid, liquid or gaseous phone Thus, it is possible to stamp parts from polished and lacquered pieces, without damaging the surfaces, deform billet enclosed in a sealed non-metallic shell, and to perform other operations, the implementation of which by other means irrational.

One of these directions is the study of the effectiveness of pre-heating of billets at the magnetic-pulse processing (Psyk et al., 2011, pp. 787-829, Vivek et al., 2011, pp. 840-850). On the basis of theoretical and experimental data on the distribution of ring specimens with different wall thickness of the test material in different temperature-frequency modes, assesses feasibility billet heating and selection of optimal heating modes. This article estimates the efficiency of pre-heating the L63 brass blanks, using magnetic pulse-pressing.

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