Hardware Design of Noble MAC Protocol for Vehicle System

  •  Yi-Nan Xu    
  •  Ren-Zhuang Fu    
  •  Yi-Hu Xu    


Vehicular ad hoc networks (VANETs) are being designed to improve traffic safety and efficiency. Then it communicates with each other using sensed available spare spectra. In a VANET network, a medium access control (MAC) layer configuration determines a common set of channels to facilitate communication among participating nodes. Because spare spectra change dynamically according to time and locations, available spare channels of the number and the identity of each node are changing any time in a multi-hop network consisting of VANET nodes. In this paper, we present a novel dynamic hop reservation multiple access protocol based on the original one. Moreover, the MAC system is designed using Verilog HDL and implemented using ALTERA Excalibur ARM EPXA4F672C3 (FPGA). It can access and quit channels efficiently without any common channel.

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