Designing Thermally Pleasant Open Areas: The Influence of Microclimatic Conditions on Comfort and Adaptation in Midwest Brazil

  •  Julia Lucchese    
  •  Wagner Andreasi    


The increasing temperatures in urban areas can negatively affect the health and comfort of its dwellers. Thus, this study assessed thermal comfort conditions in a public square, located in hot-humid Midwest Brazil, based on the relationship between microclimate conditions, thermal sensations and adaptation. Data used were collected through micrometeorological measurements and questionnaire surveys, which were performed simultaneously in field campaigns during hot and cold seasons. The aim was to propose design guidelines for open areas according to local thermal preferences. An updated regionally-calibrated Physiological Equivalent Temperature (PET) assessment scale is also proposed. Neutral temperatures were estimated on a seasonal basis and critical discomfort hours on a monthly basis. The results reaffirm that psychological and behavioral factors influence the individuals’ assessment of the outdoor thermal environment and therefore should be considered as design criteria. To improve the microclimate of urban open areas in Campo Grande, shading must be provided primarily by trees and resting areas should be protected from wind exposure. The use of water features for evaporative cooling purposes is not recommended, however, drinking fountains should be available in public squares. Such results can be used by landscape architects and urban planners to deliver thermally comfortable open spaces, encouraging greater use and increased length of stay in these areas.

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