Determinants of Land Conservation Technologies Adoption among Arable Crop Farmers in Nigeria: A Multinomial Logit Approach

  •  P. T. Owombo    
  •  F. O. Idumah    


As parts of the efforts to reduce land degradation and hence improve farm productivity, farmers in the area were introduced to various land conservation technologies. The study was thus conducted to investigate the determinants of land conservation technologies in the area. Data collected through a multi-stage sampling procedure were analysed with the aid of descriptive statistics and multinomial logit model. Findings revealed significant difference between socio-economic characteristics of the respondents such as age (p?0.01), household size (p?0.01), farm size (p?0.01), value of livestock (p?0.01) and off-farm income (p?0.01). Findings further revealed that level of education, extension contact and land ownership significantly influenced farmers adoption of mulching, cover cropping and tree planting respectively. On the other hand, while age of respondents reduced farmers’ adoption of mulching and tree planting, membership of association increased the adoption of cover cropping. Government through her agencies and other development organizations should therefore put in place policy framework that would educate the farmers through regular extension contact and also carry out a review of land ownership rights in the study area. This would enhance farmers’ adoption of conservation options and hence, sustainable production.

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