The Effects of Arbitrator's Lack of Impartiality and Independence on the Arbitration Proceedings and the Task of Arbitrators under the UNCITRAL Model Law

  •  Ahmed Mohammad Al-Hawamdeh    
  •  Noor Akief Dabbas    
  •  Qais Enaizan Al-Sharariri    


This paper aims to investigate the effect of arbitrators’ lack of impartiality or independence on the arbitration process in accordance with the Model Law. The reasons for choosing the latter is that it is the origin for most modern national arbitration laws and any amendments to it would likely to be followed by national laws. The research problem lies in the fact that the Model Law does not tackle in detail the issue of challenging arbitrators for lacking impartiality or independence. A challenge application would have an immediate effect on both the arbitration proceedings and the task of arbitrators. This study concludes that grounds for challenging arbitrators’ impartiality or independence under the Model Law are broad and general. Hence, regulating the scope, grounds and limitations related to the lack of impartiality or independence on the part of arbitrators should be addressed in depth in the Model Law to safeguard the interests of arbitration parties and therefore justice at large.

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