The Reform of the Civil Service System in China 1993–2009

  •  Guzel Vasilevna Rakhimova    
  •  Dmitry Evgenyevich Martynov    
  •  Yulia Aleksandrovna Martynova    
  •  Glushkova Svetlana Yurievna    


The paper is devoted to the analysis of public service reforms in China in the period of 1993 - 2009. The reforms, in part, took advantage of the positive experience of the Chinese past. They were aimed at improving the efficiency of civil servants by introducing more competitive selection processes, incentives to encourage activities and tightening control and supervision. The processes of selection, appointment, training, dismissal and retirement of civil servants were also streamlined. The chronological scope of the study is determined by the dates when the Interim Regulation on Civil Servants (1993) was adopted, and up to the date of adoption and implementation of the full-fledged Law on Civil Servants (2006). Then the first consequences of the reforms began to be felt: the legalization and normalization of the personnel system, the motivation to show high moral standards for civil servants who could gain respect from the people, and the activation of their high moral and business qualities. In part, the adoption of these laws was accompanied by the coming to power of the fourth generation of leadership of the CPC and PRC.

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