Technical and Economic Evaluation of Three Types of Tomato Nutrient Solutions under Semi-Controlled Conditions

  •  Lady Arbelaez    
  •  John Rivera    
  •  Alejandro Hurtado-Salazar    
  •  Nelson Ceballos-Aguirre    


This study was conducted to evaluate the effect of three types of nutrient solutions on the development, performance, quality and cost of chonto tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) under semi-controlled conditions. The assessment was conducted in the farm Tesorito, Manizales, Colombia. An experimental design was established in randomized complete blocks (RCB), with 3 treatments, 4 replicates per treatment and 10 effective plants per replicate. The variables were: height of the first cluster, production per plant, yield t ha-1 and qualities of the fruit. The economic variables were production costs, cost-benefit ratio (C/BR), rate of return (IRR) and net present value (NPV). In general, production per plant was greater than 4.7 kg plant-1 and the average yield was 92 t ha-1. The use of conventional fertilization (tt2) generated increased production of premium quality fruit with a value of 37.11 t ha-1, demonstrating that conventional soil fertilization implemented in this culture under semi-controlled conditions in the company of drip irrigation system in the root zone improve outcomes of productive variables, increasing profitability and competitiveness with a net profit of USD$ $ 25203.68 ha-1, with average selling price of USD$ 0.45 per kilogram and a unit production margin of USD$ 0.21 per kilogram, making this technology attractive and economically viable.

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