A Behavioral Model for Analysis and Intervention of Healthy Dietary Behavior

  •  Jian Wang    


Proper diet is an important way to improve and maintain health, which involves the comprehensive matching of food (category, quantity) and individual (physical fitness, health). Behavior is the key point to achieve this matching. Without behavior change, all cognition and motivations can’t get any tangible health benefits. The aim of this study was to construct a model for analysis and intervention of healthy dietary behavior (HDB). Based on the Integrated Behavioral Model (IBM), Maslow’s hierarchy of needs and Satter’s hierarchy of food needs, this study abstracted the characteristics of longevity, specificity and uncertainty of Healthy Dietary Behavior, constructed a Healthy Dietary Behavioral Model (HDBM), divided 9 negative behaviors of healthy diet (NBHD), and put forward 9 behavior interventions, which could provide ideas for change and habit formation of HDB.

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